The common mistake is that people hold fast to their creations in the hopes that it will become the next Harry Potter, or Twilight. When in fact cases like that are rare, that is why they are so popular. For us little folk we need to create and release and see what sticks. Make mistakes, they are needed to advance. And don't measure success by the failures.
So the publishers said NO! in a polite way but it was still a no. What hopes do I have to make this dream a reality?! Where can I go, who do I get in front of?! Answer is simple. There are many publishers or private printers that will print small runs for a decent amount of money. So keep your eyes pealed.
When it comes to private printing there are 3 major companies and here they are.
1. Lulu
2. SFWA Science Fiction Writers of America
3. Winspan
Then there is a whole slue of tiny little companies that will print your works. There is way too much to say about these kind of companies both good and bad and I don't want to get into that now. I just want you to get an understanding as to how I can to find my printer.
Now I normally do not say who prints my work, be it art prints, color prints, etc. But for the sake of this blog I would like to mention my experience with printer. And how ZOMBOT© saw the light of day.
Since my work is technically and " Graphic Novel " geared to a young female audience then I started looking in another direction. I started to poke around in the world of self published or Indie comics. There are a great many small, mostly family owned printers that do an AMAZING job! And so I found a local printer that will print my work and all is great in the Universe!
Note: Most printers will offer a JPEG file proof. If you are ok with that then great. I however am not, I ALWAYS ask for a physical proof that I can inspect on my own. To guaranty that whatever I produce is to my level of satisfaction.
I wont lie proofs cost money, most of them range from $5 to $20 but trust me it is worth EVERY penny. Because I can rest assure that every copy I sell is to my liking! And so it will build confidence in the product you are trying to sell.
Great Lazaro, this is all good and dandy. Now will you give us the link to the printer so I can do the same?! I will but before I do, I want to stress that this company works for me and my publication. The same may or may not be the case for you, so please please please do not say " Hey Lazaro prints here and he made ZOMBOT© so lets print there! " What I do is the results of MY OWN ACTIONS, don't follow my lead on this and or other topics I cover. Make good choices and find what is right for you. I don't get any kick backs from this company and I don't want to promote something based on the fact that it was successful for me.
I get it all the time, Do you use Photoshop? What drawing pens do you use? Etc. etc.
So here is a start the printer I am using for ZOMBOT© is a company based out of Orlando Florida named Ka-Blam Just like any investment you want to put some money in and come back with some profit. Like a reward for all my hard work. So I chose Ka-Blam because it was affordable and because I get an ISBN number. Thus for making ZOMBOT© affordable to my

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